Since purchasing the team, the franchise has won three division championships Atlantic Division 1994 95, 199596 Southeast Division 200708, one Eastern Conference title 199495 and had four 50win seasons, including a franchise record 60 victories in 199596 The Magic have advanced;综合考虑,在这一点上骑士更强 内线实力 体型 VS 积极性 篮球场上,得内线者得天下湖人队在内线拥有拜纳姆和加索尔两名赛季投篮命中率超过50%的七尺长人拜纳姆擅长利用力量身高和灵活的脚步在低位强打。
1994 95, 199596 Southeast Division 200708, one Eastern Conference title 199495 and had four 50